July 1, 2013
Jurisdiction: All 102 Illinois Counties
Wages: Window Washer $17.65/Hour
Working Foreman $18.15/Hour
Health & Welfare: New employees are eligible after they have been employed steadily for ninety (90) days. One must work 130 hours for a single employer from the 1st of the month proceeding to the 31st of the month to quality. Inclement weather or other delays not within the control of the employee shall not be counted against the employee for purposes of qualifying. Employees not available for at least 130 hours work must pay the entire cost of hospitalization by payroll deduction. The Employer’s deductions from employees shall not exceed $75.00 per paycheck for reimbursement.
Single Family
$275.96 $672.67
Pension: $1.10 per hour worked not to exceed 40 hours per week.
Vacation: Employee continuously employed
After 1 year - 1 week for 40 hours at base rate of pay
After 3 years - 2 weeks for 40 hours each at base rate of pay
After 7 years - 2 weeks/one day for 88 hours at base rate of pay
After 10 years - 3 weeks for 40 hours each at base rate of pay
Anyone who has been in service at least one (1) year and has received a vacation and who is discharged or laid off during the second year must work at least ninety (90) days before being compensated for vacation pay on a pro-rata basis. If averaged less than forty (40) hours a week of work in the year prior to the
Window Washer
July 1, 2013
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vacation period because they have not been available for work, vacation pay shall be prorated accordingly. Inclement weather and sickness shall not be counted against the employee for this determination.
These wage rates and fringe benefits are determined by the Illinois Department of Labor to be conditions prevalent in the state of Illinois and shall be the minimum requirements for window washers under the Illinois Finance Procurement Code. Retroactive reimbursement is required if less than the prevailing wage was paid at any time.