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Day and Temporary Labor Services Act

Under the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act, 820 ILCS 175, it is unlawful for a staffing or temp agency to operate without registering with the Department. It is also unlawful for third-party clients to use an unregistered agency. The penalty for unregistered agencies is $500 for each day they operate without the registration required under the Act. Third-party clients may be subject to a civil penalty for each day they are contracted with an unregistered agency. For both agencies and third-party clients, each day of non-compliance is considered a separate violation. When third-party clients enter into a contract with an agency, they have an obligation to verify that the agency is registered with the Department. Third-party clients must re-verify agency registration on March 1 and September 1 of each year (820 ILCS 175/85). Agencies and third-party clients are responsible for complying with the specific record keeping requirements of the Act.

Agencies that staff only clerical or professional workers may be exempt from registering under and complying with the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act. 

View Frequently Asked Questions

Day and Temporary Labor Licensing Application

In order to access the system, you will need to create an Illinois Public ID account which will be your agency account. 

To Create an IL Public ID:

Original Surety Bonds will be accepted in the online portal, via email, and regular mail. You may begin sending those to IDOL immediately or uploading them once you have completed your application. Please make sure your license number is clearly identified in your correspondence. (For example, License # looks like, i.e. 23-D12987 located on this year’s certificate).

The annual renewal fee, effective August 4, 2023, is $3,000.00 for each agency and $750.00 for each branch office or location. This fee must be paid online as part of the new online application process.

When completing the renewal application, please note the following:

  • Proof of the surety bond is required for both new and renewal applications.

If you are aware of any agencies that are operating without a registration from the Illinois Department of Labor, report them to the Department’s Day Labor Toll Free Hotline: 1-877-314-7052 or by email at

Please view the 2025 Registered Agencies as of March 3, 2025.


  • Day Labor Services Information: (312) 793-8889
  • Day Labor HOTLINE: (877) 314-7052 (toll free)
  • Email:
