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Amusement Rides and Attraction Safety

Carnival Amusement Ride

The Department of Labor does not allow any ride to operate unless it passes inspection. All rides permitted are insured, inspected, and meet applicable safety standards before they are allowed to operate in Illinois.

For more information, view the Frequently Asked Questions.

New Amusement Ride Rules Proposed by the Department

The Illinois Department of Labor proposed new rules regulating amusement rides and attractions in Illinois. These are not yet effective. 

The department is accepting comments on this proposed rule. Interested parties may file a comment with the department by June 17.  The directions for submitting public comment are included in the linked document, on page 2 item #12.

Summary of the Rule:  This rulemaking implements Public Act 103-177. The rulemaking gives the Director increased discretion on when permit applications may be accepted and allows permit denials for applicants with histories of misrepresentation to the Department. It additionally requires permitted entities to have a First Aid and CPR certified employee on staff at all times of operation. The rulemaking eliminates an exemption for drug testing and background checks for volunteer carnival workers. This rulemaking will codify the practice of the Department issuing a correction notice to carnival operators. This rulemaking will establish that continuing to operate in violation of a cessation order is a Class A misdemeanor. This rulemaking implements a third tier of daily penalties for operation or carnival rides or amusements without a permit and a fine of up to $1,000 for any violation of the Act. This rulemaking allows the Department to serve documents via email if the party consents. This rulemaking codifies the industry practice that carnival operators are responsible for notifying IDOL of their contracted events. This rulemaking clarifies when and that an owner or operator may use an inspection report from a municipality or county to request a waiver of Department inspection.

Read the proposed rules here.

Laws Enforced

Report an Accident

Submit A Complaint

Report unsafe conditions, accidents, or rides and attractions without operating permits by calling the Illinois Department of Labor at (217) 299-5512 during normal business hours, or (217) 993-2941 after hours or on weekends. You may also submit a complaint online.​

Safety Tips

2025 Calendar Year Meetings


​​Date ​Time
January 16, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Illinois Department of Labor 

524 S 2nd Street, 4th floor

Springfield, IL 62701


If you have any questions, please call the Illinois Department of Labor at 217-782-9347.​