The official name of the Apprenticeship Program. You may select from the drop down.

Affiliated Labor Organization or Contractor Association

Select to request a different trade.

The length of the program in months. NUMBERS ONLY

This program is affiliated with a Union

This program is registered & certified with the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training

Select each method used for recruiting.

Fill in the name and contact information for the person completing this survey.

Total Number of Apprentices in the Program

Total number of male apprentices

Total number of female apprentices.

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

For race and ethnicity, number of apprentices who identify as....

Number of apprentices for whom race and/or ethnicity is unknown.

Number of apprentices with National Origin from the United States of America.

Number of Apprentices with National Origin from somewhere OTHER THAN the US.

Number of Apprentices for whom their National Origin is unknown.