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Equal Pay Registration Certificate (EPRC)

EPRC Portal is available as of 9:30 am on Friday, March 21.

Scroll for more information about the Portal.


820 ILCS 112/11

Sec. 11. Equal pay registration certificate requirements; application.

For the purposes of this Section 11 only, "business" means any private employer who has 100 or more employees in the State of Illinois, and does not include the State of Illinois or any political subdivision, municipal corporation, or other governmental unit or agency.

(a) A business must obtain an equal pay registration certificate from the Department or certify in writing that it is exempt.

(b) Any business subject to the requirements of this Section that is authorized to transact business in this State on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly must obtain an equal pay registration certificate within 3 years after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly and must recertify every 2 years thereafter. Any business subject to the requirements of this Section that is authorized to transact business in this State after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly must obtain an equal pay registration certificate within 3 years of commencing business operations and must recertify every 2 years.

Business Contact Information Survey

If you have not been contacted by IDOL and have not provided us your contact information,
please fill out this short survey.

Accessing the EPRC Portal

Creating an Illinois Public ID Account - You will need to create an Illinois Public ID Account.

  1. To create an Illinois Public ID Account click here. Do not close out of this page, after your account is created you will need to return here to log in to the online portal.
  2. Click "Create a New Account" and complete the registration form.
  3. Once your account is created, continue with the instructions below.

EPRC Portal is available as of 9:30 am on Friday, March 21. 

  1. After your Illinois Public ID Account is created, visit the FAQ page, then access the EPRC Portal
  2. After clicking the link above, select "Public Account" and login using the username/password you just created.
  3. Further instructions will be provided throughout the EPRC portal to assist you with the process.

New Template is required. Equal Pay Registration Certificate Template (XLS) -Starting March 2025 - includes fields for PaidHS, BaseHourlyRate, and CBAYN

